
Monday, 31 January 2011

Voodoo portrait

Hey. So I have recently discovered CG hub. Its an extremely inspirational site full of extremely talented people. (Lets hope I don't noob it up too much) :-p

I have recently entered a drawing jam challenge of theirs. Voodoo witch or shaman is the title. I have wanted to start looking at human portraiture and so for this challenge I created a young girl. A granddaughter of a voodoo witch who is caught in the act of trying on her grandmas jewellery. I like the picture but also I feel it lacks any sense of texture or maturity. Maybe ill work back into it soon and make it better. But in the mean time it was an interesting learning curve. 

I would love to know what people think of it, or if anyone has any advice on how I could improve my painting technique?

All the best


Aquanoctis said...

:D Nice! I like the concept. I'm always meaning to try out one of those challenges.

graeme brandham, animation and visual storytelling said...

Hey thanks. Deffo worth having a go, every time I do one I learn so much. So are you working on There after you barbera this year?

Aquanoctis said...

Yup, I'm working on the film =] And very much enjoying it as well.

graeme brandham, animation and visual storytelling said...

Awesome! I look forward to seeing what you do! By the way . . what's your name. He he sorry i have to ask, only Im terrible with names. Ooh and are you doing layout or animation?

Aquanoctis said...

No worries :D It's Ryan, and I'm helping with the layouts.

Dario Candela said...

WOW!!! This stuff is brilliant!!

graeme brandham, animation and visual storytelling said...

Hahaha cheers dario! Still need to learn to paint better though. Always learning. Will be the rest of my life. (Exciting)